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Patty Blackwell's

Baby Swim Boot Camp



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We are dedicated and passionate about teaching your child and adult to swim confidently and safely.



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Hello. My name is Patty Blackwell and I have been teaching children to swim for more than 25 years. After working with thousands of children, I can tell you this works! .....  In just 5 days.

I Invite you to view my web page if you are curious to see HOW this works.

We can sum this story in one word: FEAR.  Not so much the children's fear, but the parents' fear. From the time the children are infants, parents keep water out of the children's faces, bathing them carefully and keeping as  much water as possible from their faces and eyes. They don't seem to remember that children love to shower with a parent, feeling the warm water running over their heads and the physical closeness. By making an issue about water getting on their faces, parents instill fear into their children.

It has been my experience that when you put your infant under the water, they might be a bit startled for the first time, but as you continue to expose them to this experience, they open their little eyes and begin to move gently. They are not as fearful as you are. Many times your fear is greater than theirs. Infants and young children can learn to swim. Take a look at some of the photos on my web page. 

Once a child has been taught to fear going under water, the problem gets worse and worse. Before you now it, the child is age 5 or age 6, pools are everywhere, and parents expect their child to somehow overcome the fear, take swimming lessons and enjoy the water. It rarely happens that way. Years can go by before the child feels secure in the water. I have sadly listened to many parents who never themselves overcame their fear of the water when they were children.

When a child is first introduced to the underwater experience, I require that parents accompany them into the pool.  Carefully the children are placed under the water and floated to the parent. This is done for the entire hour of the class followed the next day by extracting 'toys' under the water. The children become more comfortable and at the end of that day the parents begin to drop them to us into deeper water and this begins to both the child and the parents astonishment swimming to the ladder and much much more.

The swimming is not the problem.  As the saying goes, "The  FEARS  we don't face become our limits". We can face this problem and overcome the fear by introducing the children, as early as possible, to the experience of being under water and teaching them the skills they need to know. This isn't rocket science. After working with thousands of children, I can tell you this works!

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Mommy and Me Classes

Where we teach you and

Your water baby to bond.

For bookings please book your classes by SIGN-UP at the following following : https://calendly.com/patty-blackwells-swim-class

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